
Musicians to fall in love with - Part 2

Alright, next up - Sting.

Seriously, I'd probably turn gay for that man, that's why I chose to include him in this category. Not only is he one of my greatest musical influences (as mentioned before) and a genious when it comes to songwriting and melodies, he's also extremely good-looking for his age. Other guys can only dream about having his vitality and looks in high age - I will never understand how anyone can still find an Sean Connery of 80 years attractive.


Anyway, I recently found out that Sting went on a so-called Symphonicities-Tour, where his songs from The Police and his solo works where performed with the famous Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra. This enabled Sting to bring many of his songs on stage he wouldn't be able to play with a rock band.
I found these new interpretations of his songs refreshing, but it was hard to get used to them initially since they do differ a lot from the originals. After a while though I had several songs on permanent repeat, and many of them still give me goosebumps; the atmosphere on stage is just phenomenal. Take for example two of my alltime Sting-favourites Mad About You or King of Pain:

Also, Sting collaborated with Alison Krauss to contribute a song to the soundtrack for the movie Cold Mountain (a brilliant movie you should go check out right now), called My Ain True Love which was also performed during the Symphonicities - Tour. Below are both songs as well as another general alltime-favourite of mine in an orchestrated rendition - I Burn For You.


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Self-expression in the age of Facebook

This phenomenon, although nothing new & having been around since forever, has reached a new level in times of the Interwebs & social network, I believe. This sad little video neatly sums it up.

And while we're at it, this video about Facebook privacy made me see the whole issue in a whole new light! But see for yourself:

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Alcohol equals fun

When you're out partying there is always this one guy/gal, maybe even more, who gets so wasted, so absolutely shitfaced that they fall asleep on the toilet bowl or pee their pants while trying to dance. Someone always takes pictures, so it is inevitable that sooner or later, those pictures appear on a social network of your choice. Or they appear on Failblog's After 12 section.

Now, sometimes people only get wasted and fall asleep, without any humor to it. So you take matters in your own hands, right? You take a pen and draw nazi symbols and vaginas on their faces. Or you begin to stack everything you find onto their unsuspecting, resting bodies. But that is NOTHING compared to what the following geniouses have created:

Justice vs. Simian "We are your Friends" from Martial Schmeltz on Vimeo.

That's not just making fun of your friends. That is art.

Oh yeah, and if you don't know those websites already (i.e. if you're living under a rock) check out Failbook and Poorly Dressed as well. Perfect for wasting time/boosting your ego.

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A Flashback

Remember how I did a little posting last year, the one about the video game The Ripper and how it featured music made by the band Blue Öyster Cult? And how a whole sketch on Saturday Night Live was based on that song and that it needed more cowbell? If you don't, check it out right now, I'll wait.

Are you done yet? Aight then.

Guess what: I gots me a little christmas present by Awesome Phil who you might remember from my Guitar Hero escapades during Winter-Een-Mas 2010. And this present looks something like this:
CLICK HERE FOR MORE, you rascal!

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I'm just procrastinating learning for the exams, thank you

This quote totally sounds like something I'd do. I would! And it would be awesome.
Also, if your half the Scott Pilgrim fan I am you should really check out this Vimeo profile; it shows some interesting Making-Of material about the movie. I love Making-Ofs!

Two girls moved above this guy's appartment. Thanks to thin walls or whatever, he is able (or forced) to listen to everything they say, do, watch or listen to. While still pretty funny, those chicks are probably too dumb to breathe - if all of this is actually true then Paris Hilton is fuckin Marie Curie.

One day, when I'm a grown-up and a rockstar and have lots of money, I'll probably be able to afford one of my dream guitars: The Gretsch G.Love Electromatic Corvette. Makes me swoon every time I look at it. I am also currently working on my dream drum kit, but more on that on another occasion (if anyone cares, that is).

'10 Common Medical Myths' - perfect for people who believe that losing weight is harder than gaining it, who like cracking their knuckles (like me) or like eating around midnight (also me). The actual truths behind those myths don't necessarily make anything easier, but still.

'8 Places To Get Free Stock Fotos For Your Website' - The title says it all. Interesting for everyone who blogs, designs webpages or just likes pretty pictures. I have known this list for quite some time now but never consulted it so far, although I'm sure I will find a decent use for it someday.

My Regularly Recurring Song of the Day:


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