
Work In Progress - My Frequency

Apart from our bands Phil and I have a little project going where we can go crazy with whatever we want to record, called Work In Progress. We experiment a lot with instruments, effects, sounds and styles or genres, and the results are always surprising, to say the least.

I just finished the mixdown of a song we recorded during the last few hours; we titled it My Frequency. It's weird, and I'm assuming you won't listen to the song twice.Oh and if you do listen to the song, I recommend doing it with headphones. In the dark. All by yourself. Yeah, that'll probably work best.

Everything is improvised from the spot. First Phil played guitar while I controlled the drum machine, afterwards I recorded a midi bass guitar and both of us did everything else you might or might not hear. It was so much fun you wouldn't believe it, and we both learned a lot.

Have fun :D

Work In Progress - My Frequency



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