
Justin King revisited

The proof that Justin King is fully capable not only of incredible guitar playing, but also of creating solid pop tunes. This is a strong ballad beautifully titled Bright & Dirty Lights.


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And then, Chinese Popeye fought against the Power Ranger's foot soldiers...

...while Japanese Spider-Man summoned a giant flying Transformer Zord.

Thanks to Buler for the Popeye clip!

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Imagine my suprise when I found out that not all Youtube commenters are total idiots

Found in the comment section of Watchmen - Soundtrack - Track 9 - The Times They Are A Changin :

Rosielstpme  Just thought I had to point it out:
"I gotta a feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night that tonight is gonna be a good good night."
47 years ago:
"Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam and admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone..." 


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