
Random Links

Sometimes I stumble over some pretty cool stuff on the Interwebs that I'd like to put in here but have no idea of how to classify them, since I tend to put stuff together that is connected somehow. So I decided to classify them as Randomness. I know, right? I'm a genius!

Let's start with this article about a 12-year old girl attempting to pierce her tongue by herself and some friends. It's not a long article, but the story itself ends rather quickly anyway with the girl having a seizure. Go figure.

The Bible In Google Earth - I admit, this one is widely known, but I only knew of the one with the Parting of the Sea and just recently found all the other pictures. I think they're pretty cool, even if the Bible's not your thing. It's not mine, definitely. But it makes for a great story book.

Amazing photographs of National Geographic - Sometimes, there's one moment that can make the greatest picture. These people had those moments.
Can't even tell which one's my favourite, they all are extremely beautiful... (well the one with the aurora borealis would be my favourite favourite, I guess ;)

My Parent Is An Idiot - Poor kids. Oh God. Someone slap those douche parents hard. I don't know what's worse: Using your kid as a shopping cart or giving your little ones breasts so they look even more attractive to pedophiles. (Wait, do breasts look more attractive to pedo... hell, I don't even wanna know.)

15 Coolest Pillows - These are pretty cool, I especially like the Blood Puddle and the Rock Pillows (imagine jumping into a pool of those!)
Anyway, I get the point behind the Boyfriend Body Pillow and the Girlfriend Lap Pillow - but seriously, those pillows are more creepy than cozy. I wouldn't want to lie in a lady's lap, fall asleep... wake up, give the lady a droozy smile but whoops she ain't got no head and stuff!
Seriously Japan, why are you so creepy?

Really , I need to get away from here. I'll just get myself some secluded house on an island somewhere with no one else but people I like. Who's with me?

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5 Kommentare:

Am/um 19. März 2010 um 19:00 , Blogger Tiny meinte...

Wow.. these houses are pretty far away from... everything. I guess for a couple of days it's fine but not for.. you know? Forever?
How shall they bring me the stuff I order on the interwebs^^

Oh, haha, those boyfriend/girlfriend pillows are creppy but do you know what's even creepier? I'll tell you: Pillows that look like Edward Cullen or that werewolfe guy from Twilight. Hell to the yes: Now that scares me!

Haha the godfather horsepillow is awesome. I don't want it in my bed though.

Super hate to the fucking parents!!! >.<"
Excuse me.. Seriously I freak out when I see things like that.

National geographic favorite: No.3!

Poor Russian girl.. Folks don't pierce at home! (Or don't pierce at all! No bueno..)

Am/um 19. März 2010 um 19:02 , Blogger Tiny meinte...

Of course I meant creepy but creppy could be pronounced crappy which is also true..

Am/um 20. März 2010 um 05:08 , Blogger Unknown meinte...

Does this island have broadbaentiF

Am/um 20. März 2010 um 05:09 , Blogger Unknown meinte...

Urr...i think UTF-8 took a break there? O_o

Am/um 20. März 2010 um 08:48 , Blogger Saber meinte...

Well *I* think that YOU need to take a break and go to bed earlier, maybe things like that wouldn't happen then (let me remind you of the goave goatee :D )


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