
Zombie Cows

I'm an avid gamer, and I'm especially a fan of the old-school adventures by LucasArts (you know, all the Indys, the Monkey Islands, Day Of The Tentacle,  that kinda stuff). Not only did they provide great story telling, incredible visuals (The Dig is still one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, and it's nearly 15 years old) and superb, often groundbreaking music - they also managed to cram in a load of challenging (but always logical) puzzles and some of the best dialogue ever seen in video games. Only few other adventures kept me coming back as much as they did (the Broken Sword series being the most prominent one), and everytime those games deliver as much fun as they did years ago. Now, LucasArts isn't that much of an adventurer anymore - especially since that 3D bullcrap that were the latest Monkey Islands. They went on and let Telltales do their work, with mostly good results (Sam & Max); they only disappointed in terms of puzzles and visuals (Tales of Monkey Island).

Oh yeah, and that logo that I grew up with had to go too. Morons.

I recently bought The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition during the Steam Christmas Sale just to experience the greatness of the game with upgraded visuals and music, and while of course the initial nostalgia and excitement over the new features kept me busy for a while, I had to realize that, of course, it didn't have as much as an impact as it had the very first time I played the game. Still a worthwhile experience (and I paid just the right amount not to regret the deal).
Anyway, while I was browsing the Steam Sales List I stumbled across two games made by the indie game developer Zombie Cow called Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! - gotta love their naming policy.

Oh look its a cow

I won't go into too much detail about the story of the games (TGP is the immediate sequel to BTDT), but let me tell you this: if you loved the adventures released during LucasArts' prime, you can experience it all over again by playing Zombie Cows masterpieces. Seriously, they are that good. The humor had me smiling throughout every single minute of playing, the visuals may be simple but absolutely adorable, and the puzzles sometimes even make fun of themselves.
Well, it's obvious that the games never take themselves too seriously from the minute you start the game. But the humor is so faceslappingly outrageous and exploitable to the genre's strenghts that it's impossible not to love it - you have to play it to understand what I mean. And the first part is for free as well, so there's no excuse not to! Also, with a price that low for the sequel (about 3€!) you really can't do anything wrong with buying it. Seriously, you won't even get a pack of cigarettes for that! Or a pack of condoms! Even a trip to the cinema is more expensive and offers LESS fun than that game. So think about it.

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