
Yet Another Resolution

'Many people know they are unhappy. But even more people do not know they are happy.'
- Albert Schweitzer

Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep. That's mostly due to the fact that I'm someone who can with ease pick a subject and keep brooding about it until I'm totally freaked out. It's not one of my most handsome traits, and I'd love to just flip some sort of switch in my head to keep it from doing that, but it ain't easy; especially when you're already in bed for 2 hours and still awake. In some cases all this worrying creates a panic about something that's perfectly fine and then I go and ruin it by making a fuzz about it and thinking up worst-case scenarios.
Come to think of it, I'm actually a pretty lucky guy – sure I get sick from time to time or have occasional cases of self-doubt, but who doesn't? In return I didn't have a lot of problems I witnessed on friends of mine – I never fight with my parents, I somehow always seem to have money, my graduation went well and I have job that actually balances fun and work perfectly. So all in all I should be happy. I am, I guess. But I seem to have developed a very low tolerance for everything negative: I NEVER fight with anybody (and if I do, I often lose because I can't fight), I don't like losing when playing games with friends, and if something stupid or bad happens to me it takes a while to get rid of it – it often disgruntles me for the rest of the day. You can say: The slightest amount of Negative can overwhelm everything Positive. And boy, does it suck.

But not anymore. Not only do I annoy (and drag down) people I like, but I seriously annoy myself at times. So there's that, a resolution for 2010 that might be a little late, but not too late:

I won't take things too personally, I'll just turn over the coin and remind myself of what's good in my life.

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3 Kommentare:

Am/um 16. Januar 2010 um 17:29 , Blogger Tiny meinte...

Amen to that!

Seriously, great text.

Am/um 18. Januar 2010 um 00:38 , Blogger Unknown meinte...

Like I said:
My Philosophical theory about happyness (sorry, but I have to write it on your blog ;))

We can´t be happy. We only can be lucky because we always find things that would make us even more happier. As a result we should not search for what can make us even more happier. We should only stay lucky with what we have.

Am/um 18. Januar 2010 um 11:12 , Blogger Saber meinte...

Tiny: Thank you :)

Phil: Good point (although I'm not sure I can agree with your theory). Maybe that text is more about being satisfied than being happy - this way, there's always room for something to make you happier, but you're still satisfied with what you have. What I'm trying to say is: replace 'happy' with 'satisfied' in my post and you'll get closer to what I was trying to say ;)


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